Radboud University Medical Center

Department of Geriatric Medicine

TOPICS-MDS Data Request

Would you like to (re)use TOPICS-MDS data to answer your research question? TOPICS-MDS data collected in the ZonMw programmes 'Nationaal Programma Ouderenzorg' (NPO) and 'Memorabel' round 1-4, are available through the DANS EASY archive. 


Request for TOPICS-MDS data from NPO and Memorabel 1-4 via DANS EASY

TOPICS-MDS data, collected within the ZonMw programmes NPO and Memorabel round 1-4, are available with restricted access through the Dutch national digital archive DANS EASY. As a thematic collection (doi: 10.17026/dans-xvh-dbbf) in DANS, the TOPICS-MDS database consists of multiple datasets. For NPO and Memorabel 1-4 seperately, three datasets were created: 1) a care receiver dataset, 2) a caregiver dataset and 3) a care receiver – caregiver dyads dataset. Every dataset has its own DOI. All background information and metadata, details of the projects that collected the data, specifics on the datasets, codebooks with information on the coding of variables and values and on the structure and content of the datasets as well as SPSS syntax for creating and calculating derived variables, are openly accessible via DANS.


To access TOPICS-MDS NPO or Memorabel 1-4 data, please go to the DANS website and fill out the data access request form. It is, of course, possible to request more than one dataset. Following submission through DANS, you will be contacted by the TOPICS-MDS Working Group and receive a TOPICS-MDS Data Request Form (for students: TOPICS-MDS Data Request Form for Students), for a more detailed description of your request and research question. After submission of this more detailed request form, your request will be assessed by the TOPICS-MDS Project Group (NPO) or SIG Dementia (Memorabel) for feasibility, societal relevance of the research question, and overlap with previous or ongoing data requests. You will automatically be notified through DANS about approval or disapproval of your request. After approval, you can download the requested data from the DANS website.


More TOPICS-MDS data from Memorabel programme available in 2022

Currently, TOPICS-MDS and SF data are being collected in round 5 and 7 of the ZonMw Memorabel programme. These data are expected to become available for reuse in 2022 and onwards.